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Background: Epidemiologic studies have identified hyperhomocysteinemia
as a possible risk factor for
atherosclerosis. The aim of my study was based on
evaluation of relationship between homocysteinemia with
ischemic stroke patients. Methods and materials: It was a
prospective observational study conducted in the
Department of Neurology, Sir Salimullah Medical College
& Mitford hospital, Dhaka. Thirty six consecutive patients
with ischemic stroke were analyzed by serum total
homocysteine, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDLcholesterol,
triglyceride and Equal number of controls same
ages were compared with the case group. Result: Mean
Fasting blood sugar, serum fasting total cholesterol (TC),
serum fasting Low density lipoprotein (LDL) were
significantly higher in case group (p=0.001). Serum TC and
LDL had a positive correlation with serum homocystine a


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