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The high serum uric acid concentration correlates with the
degree of severity of the pregnancy induced hypertension
(PIH) and perinatal outcome. In this context, maternal
serum uric acid level is reported to be one of the prognostic
factor for determination of perinatal outcome. Based on
the existing data, the present prospective study was
undertaken in the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, BIRDEM Academy, from January to
December, 2010. Out of 120 women, 60 suffering from
PIH (severe preeclampsia and eclampsia) served as group
I and 60 normotensive women at third trimester of
pregnancy served as group II.
This study showed that mean (±SD) serum uric acid was
significantly elevated in group I PIH patients (7.21±1.81
mg/dl) compared to group II normotensive pregnancy
(4.40±0.84 mg/dl).
In group I PIH patients, 39 (86%) had adverse perinatal
outcome (preterm, IUGR, stillbirth), and 6 (13.3%) term and
healthy deliveries when serum uric acid level was >6 mg/dl.
Current study showed that there was positive and statistically
significant relationship between diastolic blood pressure and
hyperuricaemia in group I PIH patients (r = +0.359, P<0.01).
This study also showed that in group I PIH patients, when
serum uric acid increased, birth weight significantly
decreased (r = 0.279, P<0.05).
Key words: Fetal outcome, Hyperuricaemia, PIH.
(J Banagladesh Coll Phys Surg 2014; 32: 124-129)


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