Despite the lack of evidence for effectiveness of sodium
bicarbonate in treatment of metabolic acidosis in critically ill
patients who are admitted in neonatal and pediatric intensive
care unit, bicarbonate administration is a common practice
and has a long history of widespread use. The justification for
persistent use of this controversial therapy comes from a variety
of sources, many of them based in philosophy than in science.
Clinicians must consider the intervention which will meet
the therapeutic objective & existence of strong scientific
evidence. To the contrary, there is increasing evidence of this
detrimental therapy and adverse effects include diminished
oxygen delivery to tissues, worsening intracellular acidosis,
aggravated myocardial injury, fluctuations in cerebral blood
flow, intracranial hemorrhage and reduces the likelihood
success of resuscitation. This review summarizes the evidence
and examines the controversy over the use of bicarbonate to
treat metabolic acidosis in neonate.
Key words: Sodium bicarbonate, Metabolic acidosis, Neonate,
Clinical practice.
(J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2017; 35: 80-85)
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