Pregnancy is a period of increased metabolic demand
with changes in the woman’s physiology and the
requirements of a growing fetus . During this time,
inadequate stores or intake of vitamins or minerals,
referred to collectively as micronutrients, can have
adverse effects on the mother, such as anemia,
hypertension, complications of labor and even death1.
Furthermore, the fetus can be affected, resulting in
stillbirth, pre-term delivery, intrauterine growth
retardation, congenital malformations, reduced
immunocompetence and abnormal organ development.
Recent research suggests that even after the period of
infancy, the health of the child and the adult can be
influenced by the foetal period. Coronary heart disease,
hypertension and type 2 diabetes are thought to
originate, in part, from impaired intra-uterine growth
and development. These diseases may be a consequence
of “programming” whereby a stimulus or insult at a
critical, sensitive period early in life has permanent
effects on structure, physiology and metabolism 2.
During pregnancy, metabolic changes occur that protect
the mother and her pregnancy through an increased
metabolic efficiency. The foetus is also relatively
protected at the cost of the nutritional status of the mother
For micronutrients, similar mechanisms seem to be in
place. In a deficiency state of the mother, the foetus will
be in part protected with a higher stress on the mother.
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