Respiratory distress is one of the most common
reasons of an infant been admitted to the neonatal
intensive care unit1,2. 15% of term infants and 29% of
late preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive
care unit develop significant respiratory morbidity;
this is even higher for infants born before 34 weeks'
gestation3. Signs and symptoms of respiratory
distress include cyanosis, grunting, nasal flaring,
retractions, tachypnea, decreased breath sound with
or without rales and/or ronchi, and pallor1. A wide
variety of pathologic lesions may be responsible for
respiratory distress in newborn1. Among those,
Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN),
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), meconium
aspiration syndrome (MAS), congenital pneumonia,
congenital heart disease (CHD), perinatal asphyxia
(PNA), and congenital anomalies as
tracheo-oesophageal fistula, and congenital
diaphragmatic hernia4. In Bangladesh, the second
most common cause of neonatal death is birth
asphyxia5. So we need to focus on rapid recognition
and quick management of respiratory difficulties to
improve the outcome.
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