Case Report:
1 st case: A 45 years old lady,normotensive, non diabetic
presented to us with complaints of recurrent attack of
pain,redness both eyes for 6 months, that were improved
with the use of topical steroid. She also complaints of
dimness of vision in her both eyes for 2 months On
examination there were anterior Uveitis, vitritis, bilateral
optic disc swelling and choroidal nodule. This
inflammation and nodule give us clues for
granulomatous uveitis. Her ESR was-40 mm in 1St hour,
MT was 2mm induration, X-ray chest showed bilateral
enlarged hilar lymph node,CT scan of brain was
unremarkable. Our clinical diagnosis was bilateral
granulomatous panuveitis with involvement of optic disc
due to sarcoidosis.
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